Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 1: Orientation!

Hello! I have just finished the first week of my internship here at Engineering Ministries International in Colorado, where I got to make a lot of great friendships and learned a lot.

As an internship team we grew closer together as we went on hikes together, played team-building games, and prayed for one another. Today all of the other teams besides our team and the Canada team left to go to eMi offices in other countries. It was sad to see the other teams go, but the Canada team is staying with us for another week, hooray!

Through orientation I learned a lot about cross-cultural relationships, poverty, and designing for a developing country. For my design project for Haiti, I met my project leader, Bob, and we discussed some of the details of the trip we have so far. The ministry we are partnering with, God’s Vision for Haiti, seems fairly new, and this is their first orphanage they are building.

It sounds like we’ll be staying in beach houses and that this ministry is concerned about taking really good care of us, which is a huge blessing for our team. Please pray that we bless them as well with our free-of-charge design services we bring, and pray for a great ministry-engineering-architect relationship between the eMi team and God’s Vision for Haiti. I am super excited and learning a bit of Haitian Creole to prepare for my trip. Tomorrow I am starting work at the office!

Another prayer request is for our teams who are currently traveling tonight and tomorrow. Pray that they make the trip with no hiccups and that they get all of their luggage, especially the Uganda team, who ended up with many boxes to bring to their office since shipping internationally is expensive and unreliable. Praise God for the friendships He has already formed and will continue to grow throughout our internships!

Blessings, Nicole

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Project Assignment: Haiti!

Hello! I have been assigned my project to Haiti! We’ll be designing an orphanage for a ministry organization called God's Vision for Haiti. I’ll be working on the water and wastewater systems of the project. For the four-month internship I will be in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but towards the beginning of the internship I’ll take a short (about 2 week) trip to Haiti to do field work with a team of engineers such as percolation tests and to help survey and get an understanding of the site we’re designing for. I am also hoping we’ll be visiting with local ministries as well! I am learning a little bit of Haitian Creole; hopefully I'll have enough to strike up friendly conversations. Here is a link to the project description:

My summer has mostly consisted of two short trips and moving from my room in Davis to my room here in Los Gatos. I went with my family to to visit Patrick's Point and Crater Lake, and then a week later we visited family in Southern California. Now I'm getting ready for my internship, which I will leave for on August 15th. Get in touch with me soon! It may be a little more difficult to get in touch when I’m settling into the apartment in Colorado; my fellow interns and I have yet to decide if we want internet at the apartment since there is a nearby library. I’ll have my cell phone and would be happy to call and talk though!
Blessings, Nicole